Let's pretend that I'm your dad

135 kr
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Type: Bilderbok
Författare: Tora von Platen

A fast-paced and fun everyday-adventure with children playing family!

Don't cry, Mike tells Allan. I'm your dad now.
Then it's off for a walk.
Because babies need fresh air.
And pet dogs. And eat ice cream.
Oh no, Allan hurts himself!
Now an ambulance is needed!

Let's pretend that I'm Your Dad is a highly recognized children's book for all children who know what it's like to miss a parent, and how fun it is to start playing! An exciting and imaginative adventure at preschool.

What is OLIKA? ❤️

  • Caring boys playing family
  • Girls and boys with necklaces
  • A father who leaves the child at preschool


The book is Svanen-labelled - good for our climate and for our children! Here you can read more about our climate work.

Age approx: 3-6 years
ISBN: 9789188613332
Format: Hard cover, hardcover book
Size: 18.0 x 18.0 cm
Number of pages: 36
Weight: 190 g
Paper: EU flower-labeled recycled Cyclus Silk from Lecta, produced in Le Lardin-Saint-Lazare, France
Printer: Nordic Ecolabelled printing house Dardedze Holografija in Riga, Latvia

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Recension Allan och Mike

Jag gillar att boken skildrar två killar i en situation som sällan annars skildras i barnböcker. Jag gillar också att boken skildrar två killar som är mjuka, omhändertagande, omtänksamma, hjälpsamma och omvårdande, något som också sällan visas upp i barnlitteraturen. Bokens bilder är färgglada, detaljrika och inkluderande.
Carola, Barnboksbloggen

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