DIFFERENCE is a small seed that is needed for inclusion and critique of norms to have the chance to take root. You cater to the little ones, but educate so many more. THANKS!

Elin Malmberg

OLIKA makes it easier for me when I have to work with the grounds of discrimination in F-3. All literature can be connected to the majority of them so that differences are taken up in a natural way without it becoming a big deal.

Lina Rask, preschool teacher

My daughter has subscribed to your book club since she was 9 months old and every book has become a new favorite. She LOVES to read. In your books, she sees people of different class, color, function, etc. as something obvious.


DIFFERENT publishers support me as a parent to show different people, families, relationships and the importance of being different. Oh, how much you mean to me and my daughter. You are soooooo important! 💪 ❤️


60% of our bookshelf consists of DIFFERENT books, both children love them. And for the child with functional variations, it feels extra good in the heart to show how DIFFERENT we actually are.


As a parent and preschool teacher, I am passionate about norm criticism. All children should know that they can be whoever they want. Also want to give good values ​​and civil courage, children who stand up for themselves and others. Thanks for making my job a little easier!

Linda Larsson

DIFFERENT publishers show my children that it's okay to be how you want and who you want! It creates more understanding for other people and it can be a security and recognition for my children.


OLIKA is the most important publisher and I really want to see you grow together with preschools, schools, organizations and families out there!


DIFFERENT helps me show my children the variety of people. How different we are. How different we live. How different we fall in love. How much different we enjoy. How different we feel. Your books enrich our lives!

Elin Nordvall

The books present things that can still be seen as unusual, like 2 mothers, as something common and that means it's not such a big deal, but it's just two parents - like any parents!


So glad that your books touch on empathy, emotion, excitement and adventure with thoughtful characters and illustrations. Thank you for your important work!

Linda Larsson

Strengthen the children with exciting and norm-creative children's books! One book every two months. You can cancel the subscription whenever you want.

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Book club for children 0-12 years
Fem barn i olika åldrar håller i varsin bok och står emot en vägg med graffitti.

Now everyone can take part in popular fairytale moments with Drag Queens. Each storytime is about 20-30 minutes, and they read everything from Konrd's dress to Cinderella. Guaranteed fun!

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Porträtt av Lady Busty och Miss Shameless som håller i boken Konrad lussar.

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