Prizes & awards

With its extensive book publishing, OLIKA values in an exemplary way the fact that one is the other Different!
That was the rationale when OLIKA received Linköping Municipality's cultural award 2020 in memory of Sven Lyra. Sven was a rowdy type who loved culture and we received the award because we have worked in the same spirit. We love culture and mess with norms! Sven Lyra often gave out real leeks to people he thought deserved it. We are convinced that Sven would have loved the fine leek we received, created by the artist Tomas Ekström.
Mad Women wins GOLD
Copywriter Christina Knight's book "Mad Women - A Herstory of Advertising" came out in a new edition and as an audiobook in 2021 and now wins gold in the international competition Muse Awards 2022. We are so happy to work with such a Mad Woman. Read more about her and her newly started Mad Women Academy - for an equal advertising industry!

The SCIRA Award
DIFFERENT publishers receive the ABC Rooster in 2022 for their standard-creative work - especially with the content of new children's and youth books, something that gives recognizable reading pleasure.
With this fine justification, we received the international reading promotion organization SCIRA's Östgöta prize. We are always extra happy when we are recognized for the value of recognition when it comes to reading pleasure. It was with that question that we started a long time ago and it is just as relevant today. Because what happens to those who never recognize themselves in what they read?

Stenbeck's scholarship
OLIKA challenges destructive norms and counteracts bullying, harassment and abuse by ensuring that more children can recognize themselves in children's books. OLIKA's books allow all children to participate, on equal terms and by being true to the core values, OLIKA has succeeded in becoming an important voice in the cultural debate for children's rights and at the same time giving more children more opportunities for identification and inspiration.
With the fine justification, we received SEK 50,000 for which we printed more books! Stenbeck's foundation provides financial support to pioneering actors and efforts in civil society.

Finalist Transammans
OLIKA publishes children's books where children can be different. In an obvious way, different gender identities and gender expressions are included in the books.
That was the justification for this fine nomination. And that's right, ever since we started, we've been working to make the bookshelf visible to more people. Transammans is a non-profit organization that works to ensure that trans people and people with questions about their gender identity get better living conditions. The local associations also offer safe meeting places. If you are curious, find the meeting place where you live.

The justice price
With a vision of a more open, fairer and more inclusive society, this year's winner of the Justice Prize is making an effort to enable more children to recognize themselves in books, create a positive self-image and thus become involved in society. They have seen the shortcomings of their industry and act courageously to reflect the diversity that exists in society today.
This is the justification for the award we received from Rättviseförmedlingen, which was started by Lina Thomsgård with the idea that stereotypical ideas about gender or background should not limit people's opportunities to do what they want and can do.

Finalist Publishing prize
Nominations are almost as much fun as receiving an award. Together with Trafik i Mälardalen (part of SJ), we created small stories about Resa and Robin, to tell children about public transport in a fun way. The stories were published in Trafik i Mälardalen's newspapers, which were distributed to travelers on public transport.
The collected stories were printed in 10,000 copies and schools were given the opportunity to order free of charge. In just a few days, all copies were sold out! Traffic in Mälardalen had never seen such great interest. It warmed the heart, because public transport is the future!
Kosse in Swedish selection
When the Cultural Council selected eighteen treats for an international audience in 2015, the star was Kosovare Asllani and the book Pass the ball, Kosse! with. Extra fun that Kosse is now a really big star seven years later. We remember when we interviewed her for this book, when she was playing for Paris Saint-Germain. The books about Kosse are written by Anja Gatu and Maria Källström and they are available both as a paper book and an audio book, read by the best Angelica Prick!