How nice that you are interested in our book club!
Here you get answers to all your questions. If you have more, don't hesitate to contact us at customer service!
Click here if you want to join the book club immediately .
What book clubs are there?
The book club is divided by age. But age is just a number and children are different. Feel free to try a club you think suits you and if you are unsure, choose an ongoing subscription so you can easily change clubs.
Klubb Smultron , approx. 0-2 years SEK 149 including shipping/book
Klubb Jordgubb, approx. 1-3 years SEK 159 including shipping/book
How often do the books come?
The books are sent out every two months. You get the first book when you join and then you get them in February, April, June, August, October and December. The books are sent out around the 10th of each month, ie February 10th, April 10th and so on. You should have the book by the middle of the current month.
How do I pay for the book club?
A payment notice is included with the book in the package. It is the address label itself that is the proof of payment. Unfortunately, we cannot offer e-invoices at the moment.
Can I skip a book?
It's fine. We need to know if you want to skip a book at least 14 days before it is sent out. Email info@olika.nu or chat with us and we will pause the next mailing for you.
When will I know what the next book will be?
About three weeks before the books are sent out, you will receive an email where upcoming titles are presented. It is also published here .
How do I end the book club?
You can cancel the club at any time, but at least 14 days before the next mailing. Otherwise, we won't have time to slow down packing and delivery. Contact us on the chat, or email info@olika.nu and we will help you finish.
Change of address
We would love for you to get your next book to your new home. Mail forwarding does not apply to parcels, so you must contact us when you receive a new address. Chat or send an email to info@olika.nu and we'll sort it out.
We welcome feedback! Email or chat and tell us how we can improve and what is good.
PS. We are currently building a digital solution for the book club that we will launch after the summer. Then you will be able to go in and manage the book club on "your pages" here at OLIKA.
This is how the OLIKA book club works

En bokklubb som bryr sig
När du går med i OLIKA bokklubb får du en bokklubb som bryr sig om framtiden. Vi jobbar hårt med att minska våra utsläpp av koldioxid och skapa en hållbar barnbok. Därför trycker vi endast på Svanenmärkta tryckerier.
Majoriteten av böckerna är också tryckta på återvunnet papper som är märkt med EU-blomman, den europeiska motsvarigheten till Svanenmärkningen (det finns inte Svanenmärkta återvunna papper i dagsläget för barnböcker). De böcker som är tryckta på nytt papper har alltid Svanenmärkt papper. Självklart är alla papper FSC-märkta, det är ett grundläggande krav.