The wild & the enigmatic thief - 6-9 years - OLIKA

The Wild and the Enigmatic Thief

139 kr
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Type: Kapitelbok
Författare: Cecilia Rihs
Illustratör: Anna Westin

Who is the thief? April and Kian will find out!

Footsteps can be heard on the roofs and things disappear. What if someone wants the magical screwdriver? And what if the silvery giant caterpillar is involved? April and Kian have to be extra careful. Because this can get really dangerous.

The Wild and the Enigmatic Thief is an easy-to-read chapter book. Quick twists and lots of humor. Short chapters and illustrations that make reading fun! The enigmatic thief is one of three books in the Wild series.

What is OLIKA? ❤️

  • Protagonist with brown skin color
  • A girl who is technical and invents solutions
  • Every other week accommodation in a positive way


The book is Svanen-labelled - good for our climate and for our children! Here you can read more about our climate work.

Age approx: 6-9 years
ISBN: 9789188613790
Format: Hard cover, hardcover book
Size: 15.5 x 21.5 cm
Number of pages: 100
Weight: 296 g
Paper: Nordic Ecolabelled Arctic Volume from Arctic, produced at Grycksbo papperbruk in Dalarna, Sweden
Printer: Nordic Ecolabelled printing house Dardedze Holografija in Riga, Latvia
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Kerstin Hagstrand-Velicu
Tokknasig roande läsning

De häftiga illustrationerna av Anna Westin, det idérika och finurliga språket, de oändliga möjligheterna att se det magiska i tillvaron, gör detta till en verkligt tokknasigt roande läsning.

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