The Wild and the Magic Bicicle

139 kr
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Type: Kapitelbok
Författare: Cecilia Rihs
Illustratör: Anna Westin

How much can a bike scuffle And why is it so rebellious?

I wanted a new bike. But instead I get a life-threatening old miserable bike. It flies like crazy and crash lands. Not only that. It tells Kian and I that we must free a stolen thing. How crazy can a bike get?

In The Wild and the Magic Bicycle, April and Kian get a problem. An easy-to-read fast-paced, technical and magical book with short, exciting chapters that make reading fun. The Magic Bicycle is one of three books in the Wild series.

What is OLIKA? ❤️

  • A girl and a boy who are best friends
  • Second hand and recycling
  • The fun of being friends with older people


The book is Svanen-labelled - good for our climate and for our children! Here you can read more about our climate work.

Age approx: 6-9 years
ISBN: 9789188613295
Format: Hard cover, hardcover book
Size: 15.5 x 21.5 cm
Number of pages: 100
Weight: 306 g
Paper: Nordic Ecolabelled Arctic Volume from Arctic, produced at Grycksbo papperbruk in Dalarna, Sweden
Printer: Nordic Ecolabelled printing house Dardedze Holografija in Riga, Latvia
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Kerstin Hagstrand-Velicu
En tokmagisk och lekfull historia

I denna tokmagiska historia är allt möjligt. Anna Westins färgsprakande, vältecknade illustrationerna följer texten väl och ger hela berättelsen en hisnande virvel av rörelse. En verkligt lekfull historia, av författaren Cecilia Rihs, som tänjer på möjligheternas gränser och helt bejakar vår fantasi.

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