Author - Ann-Christine Magnusson

Författare - Ann-Christine Magnusson

Who is Ann-Christine Magnusson ?

Ann-Christine lives in Stockholm, where she writes for children and young people and directs theater plays. After her years as a producer, director, screenwriter and educator, Ann-Christine has great experience and knowledge of children, something that is noticeable in the way she builds her stories and characters.

At OLIKA, Ann-Christine has published the books about UpfinnarJohanna - which are also available as a craft book!

Ann-Christine about InventorJohanna

"It is very fun to write about an 8-year-old who is going to be the world's best inventor! One whose motto is that if it doesn't work one way, it works the other. I am writing about UppfinnarJohanna because I want to highlight and inspire children to think new and think possible."