Anna Lundgren - Author - VARIOUS – OLIKA

Author - Anna Lundgren

Författare - Anna Lundgren

Who is Anna Lundgren ?

Anna Lundgren grew up in Piteå and goes there as soon as she gets the chance. Now she lives between Malmö and Lund.

Anna has written the books When we sleep, When we play and When we became one more. In the books, we get to follow three different children who ponder what the adults actually do when the children sleep? Or what the adults do when the children play? And who or what is growing in mom's belly – a sibling, a scary troll or maybe a dragon?

The books are full of imagination and the illustrations are bursting with detail and creativity!

What was the most fun to write?

To figure out the rhyme. I have really turned and twisted the smallest words and it has been great fun. Then it's always a highlight to see how someone else interprets the stories and I love how Mia Olofsson has illustrated this visual world and the characters.

Where do you find inspiration?

I got inspiration for this series from my childhood. In the evenings I found monsters in the wallpaper and during the day I let my imagination take me where it wanted. I liked to think and philosophize a lot as a child.

Do you have a favorite scene in the books?

I LOVE the illustration in When we became one when the children fly on a kite, each with a hot dog. To me, that picture shows how far a vivid imagination can take one. Another favorite is when a whole ocean has grown in a kitchen in the book When We Sleep.