Author - Åsa Mendel-Hartvig

Författare - Åsa Mendel-Hartvig

Who is Åsa Mendel-Hartvig ?

Åsa Mendel-Hartvig lives in Stockholm and works as a writer and communicator. Tesla's mother does not want! was Åsa's debut as a children's book author and it quickly became a favorite among both children and adults. Since then, Åsa has written the books about Konrad, Orättvist! and wonderful Tittaserien.

"The idea for the reference books came when I read an article with the title 'Endangered - the child in nature'. It inspired me to write about young children's encounters with and experiences of nature. I think it is important to get a feel for nature, so that we care about it and want to preserve it. Small children often find nature absolutely fantastically exciting, if only they get out into it.”

Åsa if Tesla's mother doesn't want to!

"The Tessla books are a result of all the games we played with our children to get them to agree to things that children and adults can have very different ideas about. Like walking home from the playground, eating broccoli or brushing your teeth. Finding the right play turned out to be significantly more effective and pleasant than nagging and arguing. And sometimes as a parent you yourself feel that "well, now I don't want to be so grown-up and boring anymore - now I want to wear the Spider-Man suit for a while!" "