Camping & hide and seek on resande-romani - E-book - 3-6 years - OLIKA

Lodipa & garepa (Camping & hide and seek in resande-romani) E-book

79 kr
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Type: Bilderbok
Författare: Marine Somersault
Illustratör: Marcus Gunnar Pettersson

Akajj ashar khamlolov! Rosita biddrar pre Emma.
Li avavar vavre bashst. Ta dova lattjar garrepa.
Rosita ta Emma ahars lattjoa te garra serus.
An kava basht ahar dolle lattjoare.

Lodipa & garepa is published in resande-romani, one of the varieties of Romani. Just like the other two books in the series, the book is available translated into all five varieties.

Age approx: 3-6 years
Format: Epub file
Number of pages: 36
E-book: Axial Media, Epub3 file
Audiobook: -