Hocus Pocus: Poof, gone

134 kr
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Type: Lättläst
Illustratör: Hanna Böhm

Smart Noomi is back, and now she has to solve a mystery!

Someone has taken grandfather's silver spoons.
Who could it be?
Imagine if Noomi could become invisible.
Then she could reveal the thief...

Hocus pocus: Poof, gone is an exciting book with many pictures that is suitable both for reading by yourself for the person who has cracked the reading code, or for reading  outloud together.

What is OLIKA? ❤️

  • Magic in different ways
  • A father who is both caring and encouraging
  • Main character and many people with brown skin color


The book is Svanen-labelled - good for our climate and for our children! Here you can read more about our climate work.

Age approx: 6-9 years
ISBN: 9789188613523
Format: Hard cover, hardcover book
Size: 15.5 x 21.0 cm
Number of pages: 48
Weight: 208 g
Paper: Nordic Ecolabelled Arctic Volume from Arctic, produced at Grycksbo papperbruk in Dalarna, Sweden
Printer: Nordic Ecolabelled printing house Dardedze Holografija in Riga, Latvia
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Almar Ahlsén
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Någon tog en silversked från farfar, han sa att det var grannen. Kan det vara han eller inte? Läs boken får du se.
Spännande, bra för små barn, runt fem år typ. Det finns intressant fakta i boken. /Edvin, 10 år