Illustratör - Caroline Röstlund

Illustratör - Caroline Röstlund

Who is Caroline Röstlund ?

Caroline Röstlund is an experienced illustrator who has drawn for everything from Allas to Kamratposten. For OLIKA, Caroline has illustrated the books about Tessla, Konrad and the book Orättvist!

With her warm and humorous illustrations, Caroline provokes thought and helps the children leave their accustomed roles and meet themselves in new ways. Caroline is an expert at illustrating sibling disputes in a clever way and the looks the children give each other say more than a thousand words!

In the books about Konrad, everyday life and the sibling relationship with Hedvig are the focus. Often Hedvig and Konrad want the same things: the same dress, candy, Lucia clothes, or the finest bathing suit. Of course there will be trouble! Caroline's pictures create strong recognition and many laughs for both young and old readers.