Author - Kristina Henkel

Författare - Kriz Henkel

Who is Kriz Henkel ?

Kristina Henkel was one of Sweden's first gender equality consultants and has worked for a long time educating preschools and schools about practical work with gender equality and normative creativity. Kristina loves to create change for an equal and inclusive society. She also likes to cultivate and work for change for a climate-smart and sustainable society.

Kristina has written the books Give your child 100 opportunities instead of 2, Plants love poo! and made the toolbox ALL RIGHT .

100 possibilities instead of 2

"The success book - a gender bible for all parents!"

The book is change candy for anyone who wants to achieve equality - lots of practical tips and ideas! With humor and everyday examples, the authors Kristina Henkel and Marie Tomičić show that gender traps are everywhere, among toys and clothes, feelings and friendships. The book gives practical tips to anyone who is curious about how children can be given equal opportunities in everyday life with simple means.

In 2009, the book was published in Sweden and has since been translated into Norwegian, Serbian, Korean, Spanish and English.

ALL RIGHT - a safe school

Cunt, whore, scumbag - the dirty words are in the school and it affects us all. In order to change and create a safe school free from verbal and physical violence, Kristina Henkel together with FATTA and with the support of the Swedish National Agency for Education in 2019 created the methodology material ALL RIGHTS. Practical methods how, with the help of a joint perspective and by establishing positive norms, we can make the school a safe and inclusive
place characterized by equality, respect and consent. All so that today's children and young people don't have to write #metoo - the most important test we adults must all have the right to.

Cultivation for young and old

The book Plants love poo! came out in 2021 and is about cultivation for children and adults. Kristina cultivates with preschool children on the Hötorgterrassen in Stockholm, a roof terrace between the skyscrapers. There, children and adults meet among worms, seeds, super tall sunflowers and tasty sugar peas. Kristina has previously worked as a gardener and was an organic cultivation advisor at the Linnéa cottage area.

I really like being with children and explaining clever things in an easy to understand way. It is important to find symbols such as that the roots of the plants are straws - then the children understand exactly! I like text and coming up with funny headlines, then it has been fantastic to work with the illustrator Linda Blåfors Carlsson.

What makes the book different from other books on cultivation?

Plants love poop! is a breeding book for all sloths, who would rather eat strawberries than weed and water. Organic farming is the favorite of earthworms. Many people think that farming is about growing vegetables. With the book, I want to show how important the soil is and that cultivation is about cultivating the soil! Linda Blåfor's swinging illustrations also make the book stand out – it's like a garden disco with worms with disco boas, stylish caps and tattoos. There are insects in wheelchairs, cool statues of farm women, rainbow-colored stool collars, and bees that have wings in the same colors as the bee and trans flag.