Illustratör - Lovisa Lesse

Illustratör - Lovisa Lesse

Who is Lovisa Lesse ?

Lovisa Lesse lives in Söderköping and illustrates both children's books and educational materials. Lovisa has a solid background in cartoons. As she says herself: "Eight years full-time is a good school!"

Lovisa has been both studio manager and Art Director and many of us recognize her work from the popular TV productions The Three Friends and Jerry, Da Möb and Nasse. Lovisa also works with scenography.

For OLIKA, Lovisa Lesse has illustrated the books about UpfinnarJohanna.

Lovisa about UpfinnarJohanna

"The best thing about InventorJohanna is that she is creative and comes up with her own solutions when she wants to do something. She dares to build and create things and it doesn't matter if things don't turn out the way she thought from the beginning - it will still be good!"