Author - Malin Eriksson

Författare - Malin Eriksson

Who is Malin Eriksson ?

Malin Eriksson grew up in the stable. She had her own horse and competed. Her other great interest was reading and researching life's important issues. These two interests became one when she started writing. Malin has previously published several books and writes regularly for the magazine Min Häst.

At OLIKA, Malin has published the series about Malva. A child with stubbornness and strong will who takes his first steps into the world of equestrian sports, together with his hesitant father. Included in the story is also a grandmother who cheers her on and gives her support by connecting to the family's history as travelers.

In 2017, OLIKA also published all three Malva books translated into travel romance. The books are called Malva ta gräjerna (Malva & the horses), Malva site kli (Malva begins to ride) and Malva dre stanjan (Malva in the stable). The books are translated by Eleonor Frankemo.