Author - Marie Tomičić

Författare - Marie Tomičić

Who is Marie Tomičić ?

Marie Tomičić is the economist who loves psychology and has many years of experience in research and teaching in leadership and change at Linköping University. Marie is also one of the founders of OLIKA.

Together with Kristina Henkel, Marie has written the modern classic Give your child 100 opportunities instead of 2 - about gender traps and gender crux in everyday life. In 2017, the book came out in a long-awaited new edition, with even more gender traps and twists. The book has been translated into Norwegian, Spanish, Serbian, Korean and English.

Marie has also written the youth books Ta Makten together with journalist Leone Milton. Books that give young people tools to understand themselves and the world. Together with Karin Salmson, Marie Tomičić has also written books under the common pseudonym Marin Salto.