Book Guide: Pardis Moradi is here!

What would you do if you were someone else for a day?

Sometimes it's hard to be Pardis Moradi. Grandma just nags. In addition, she wants Pardis to join the choir, and sing for the whole school. Imagine if Pardis could be someone else...

Questions about the book

1. Pardis' grandmother nags Pardis to hurry. Did someone nag you about something? How did it feel? How would you have liked that person to have done instead?

2. Have you bullied someone, like Pardi's grandmother does? Why did you do it? What happened then?

3. Pardis tells grandma that she doesn't want to live with her anymore. Why do you think he says that? How do you think Pardis feels?

4. Pardis wants to talk to his teacher Olle. What do you think Pardis wants to talk to Olle about? Do you have someone you can talk to if things feel awkward?

5. Pardis reads and plays soccer especially well when he pretends to be Noah. Why do you think this happens?

6. Pardis lives with his grandmother. Do you think anyone else lives with them? How many people live at your home?

7. Pardis likes to sing. But not to sing in front of others. Do you think one must enjoy performing for others?

8. Pardis gets angry with his grandmother and thinks she is the most troublesome person in the world. But she also thinks she is the best in the world. Is there someone you like and find annoying?

9. Pardis gets angry with his grandmother. What do you think Pardis should do to make his grandmother understand that she is doing wrong?

About her

The word hen was included in the Swedish Academy's dictionary in 2015. Hen can be used when you do not know the gender of a person or when it is not relevant. There are also those who want to be called hen, because they don't feel like a female or a male, or because they are tired of the division and notions surrounding female and male. In this book hen is used for Pardis, which is also a name that both girls and boys can have. You can call someone hen if you know that person wants to be called that, the basic rule when it comes to both he, she and he - and other options - is to find out what the person prefers. If you are unsure, ask, it is better than using the wrong pronoun about a person. In the same way that we ourselves choose how we want to express ourselves and dress, we decide for ourselves whether we want to be called she, hen or he.

About skin color

In societies all over the world there are people of different origins and with different skin colors, just like in Sweden. How does it look in your bookshelf at school? Are people with different skin colors reflected? Look at the main characters what skin color do they have? The next time you watch a movie, you can also check which different skin colors are reflected in the movie.

In order to create an inclusive society where everyone feels equal, it is therefore important to reflect children and adults with everyone
different skin colors both in books, films and magazines.

The school curriculum

"The school must promote the students' harmonious development. This must be achieved through a varied and balanced composition of content and work methods. Shared experiences and the social and cultural world that the school constitutes create space and conditions for learning and development where different forms of knowledge are parts of a whole." Lgr 11, rev 2019