Book guide: Sister green

What color is the sea really?

Imagine being able to spend a whole day with your sister. Ride the bus, go on adventures by the sea and play with colors. A book about nature, sibling love and a big sister who is non-binary.

Questions about siblings and being disappointed

The child in the book wants to be like his older sister. Do you have someone you look up to, that you would like to be like? Who then? What makes that person someone you look up to?

The child sits on his sister's shoulders. Do you enjoy sitting close to others? How does it feel? Do you like to sit by yourself? What's good about it?
The sea is green, says the child. That's what the sister said. But – when they arrive, the sea is blue! The child becomes sad and disappointed. Why do you think she feels that way? Have you ever been disappointed? Where was it felt in the body?

Questions about colors and washing

The child loves to paint, and loves the color green! Which colors do you like the most? Why? Like
you to paint, like the child in the book?

The sister says that the child should mix the colors. Have you ever mixed colors – if so, which ones? What colors were they then?

The child and the sister pour paint into the washing machine. Do you usually help and fix things at home? What do you like to do then? How does it feel to help at home?

When we wash our clothes, what can be good for our environment to think about?

Illustration: Ett äldre barn och ett yngre sitter på en klippa, tittar på solnedgången och håller om varandra. Syster grön - Bilderbok 1-3 år - OLIKA förlag - Författare och illustratör: Jessika Berglund

About environment

Today we face climate change and challenges in the future. We must find new ways to relate to nature and the earth's resources, and thus change our way of life and our consumption patterns. The prerequisite for us to care about and protect our environment is that we get a relationship with it early on
nature. By experiencing it in reality and in literature, we can lay the foundation for such a bond between man and nature, something that is crucial for a sustainable future.

The preschool curriculum

"A positive belief in the future must characterize education. The education should give the children the opportunity to acquire an ecological and careful approach to their surrounding environment and to nature and society. The children must also be given the opportunity to develop knowledge about how the various choices that people make can contribute to sustainable development - both economically and socially as well as environmentally." Lpfö 2018