OLIKA and fossil-free

At OLIKA, we are working hard to switch to fossil-free. We have taken many steps but we still have some to go. Our big challenge is that we collaborate with many different actors and in order for us to adjust, they must also do so. In the meantime, we continue to look for the best available solutions and debate and educate so that more people can change their businesses.

What does OLIKA's energy use look like internally?
In our offices we use renewable fuels, it is relatively easy as it is possible to choose from most electricity suppliers. We also travel by public transport and usually by train. WE don't fly.

What energy do OLIKA's printers use?
The printing company that we work with the most is called Dardedze Holografija and is located in Riga. 60% of their energy is renewable and 40% is still from fossil fuels. We are working to change that, but right now it looks like this.

How does OLIKA work with the Swan label?
We only print at Swan-labelled printers and we are working to make the Swan label synonymous with "fossil-free", but we are not there yet. In the latest revision of the Swan label, the criteria were strengthened. Christer Andersson at Svanen says this:

"We have strengthened the requirement for energy in the new criteria. However, it is not possible to have a requirement of 100% renewable that applies throughout the Nordics, as there are different conditions for that in the different countries."

Robert Sabelström at Climate Hero, our independent climate expert, is positive but at the same time critical of the updated criteria, and believes that the activities should be linked to clear goals:

"Setting demands that you do a climate calculation is a good start. But to be 'environmentally friendly' you would also like to see demands for improvements. Either as hard limit values ​​or that you must follow the Science based targets 1.5 degree curve, i.e. at least halve emissions every decade and reach net zero by 2050. I would also like to see more focus on new climate-smart materials (e.g. bamboo and papyrus). Right now there is a lot of focus on Swedish large-scale forestry."

At OLIKA, in 2023 we will try to print on more materials, such as bamboo. According to Robert Sabelström, bamboo is a good material choice as it absorbs a lot of carbon dioxide when it grows, and unlike trees, it grows quickly.

How does OLIKA work with fossil-free freight?
Fortunately, there have been many upstarts on the market, such as Instabox and Budbee, which offer fossil-free deliveries to our customers. Our goal is to always be able to offer at least one option with fossil-free delivery to our customers. We also hope that the big players will soon offer the same thing, but we don't know when that will happen. As a customer of OLIKA, you can help make a difference by choosing fossil-free shipping at checkout!

Shipping from our printing office in Riga to Sweden is done with DHL Green, it's the closest climate-smart shipping we've come to. But here too, hopefully there will be more options soon.

How does OLIKA work with authors, illustrators and other freelancers?
As we work with nearly 200 freelancers, this is an important part. We educate and encourage everyone to do the things they can do easily, and we ask questions about how they intend to change.

1) What energy do you use today for your work? If you haven't done so yet, switch to renewable. All electricity companies offer it.

2) How do you travel in your work? Do you travel fossil-free even if it takes a little longer? Are you prepared to give up some comfort in order to travel climate smart?

3) Have you done a climate analysis of your own business? In 2023, in collaboration with Climate Hero, we will offer an education and calculator for those who want to monitor their climate footprint as a freelancer or as a small business owner.

AND: Tell us about your climate journey! The more of us who share about what we do and why, how we change, the more people are inspired to do the same thing. Because we can only meet the 1.5 degree target together!