Campaign & communication
Norm-creative communication
We are experts in norm criticism and norm creativity and know where the opportunities and traps are. We work according to the strategy of normalizing by including and offering companies and organizations concepts, campaigns, screening, training, analysis and consultation. We also offer second opinions and can be a norm-creative expert partner to advertising and communication agencies. Welcome to build the future with us!
Communication with the City Mission
When Stadsmissionen wanted to create and communicate a common idea to everyone about what Stadsmissionen is and does, they asked us for help in looking at the texts from a communicative and norm-creative perspective.
Value Screen - our way of screening a campaign
A structure and method that we use when we analyze existing advertising and communication is the Value Screen. The goal is to capture the values that, for example, a commercial sends out, and connect it to the company's brand and goals and vision. Seven voices rate from seven different perspectives. Do you want to know how it's done? See how we worked with Comviq's advertising.
Gothia cup and Respect EveryBody
When Gothia Cup wanted to raise awareness and change attitudes and norms to counter sexual harassment, OLIKA helped with the content of the campaign. The aim of the Respect EveryBody campaign was to raise the issue of personal responsibility, about respect for one's own and others' bodies and drawing boundaries. The message was spread during the opening and as physical and digital information during the cup week. We started from the perspective called an active bystander, which is a method in violence prevention. Instead of focusing on the harasser, focus on the bystanders and encourage them to take action.