Which of OLIKA's titles are translated?

Together with our partner Brights Agency, we sell rights to most of our books. The buying publisher translates the book and publishes it and sells it in their market. Sometimes it is the same illustrator but sometimes it can change as each country tends to have a preference for a certain type of illustrations. It's always exciting to see the finished books!


Pass the ball, Kosse! (Margrit e Libri)


Tesla's mother does not want! (Lambert)
Tesla's father didn't want to! (Lambert)
What do you want to be when you grow up? (Lambert)
Mallow in the stable (Lamberth)
Malva starts riding (Lamberth)
Malva and the Horses (Lamberth)
Best goal, Olivia! - Cool goal, Olivia! (Lambert)
Bullseye! - It sat! (Lambert)
Dog on the field – A dog on the field! (Lambert)
Come on, fight! (Lambert)
Konrad and the caramels - Konrad and the caramels (Klematis)
Konrad and the birthday Party (Klematis)
Unfair! - Unfair! (Clematis)
Pass the ball! shouts Kosse – Play me! shouts Kosse (Lamberth)
Straight to the point, Kosse! (Lambert)
Record, Fatima! (Lambert)
Nice break, Behrang! - Come on, Behrang! (Lambert)
Nice, nice, Therese! - Great trick, Therese! (Lambert)
Nice save, Hedvig! - You have it, Hedvig! (Lambert)
Falling stars in Dinosaurieland (Straarup & Co)
Punish Charlotte! - Decided on penalties! (Lambert)
Take the chance! - Grab the chance! (Lambert)
Look at the forest (Clematis)
Watch the Sea (Clematis)
Watch the park (Clematis)
Watch the Night (Clematis)
What a shot, Olivia! (Lambert)
Worst goal, Kosse! (Lambert)


Give your child 100 opportunities Instead of 2, “ The Swedish Way of Parent and Play “, (Countryman Press)


Here comes InfinnarJohanna!


We grow blueberries - Il bosco in casa (Settenove Edizione)


Mix choir (Kizm Education)
Unfair! (Great Books)
Give your child 100 opportunities instead of 2 (Dabom publishing)
Shooting Stars in Dinosaur Land (CONKO)


Give your child 100 opportunities instead of 2 - Give children 100 opportunities Instead of 2 (Pedagogical forum)


Malva in the stable - Malva dre stanjan
Malva starts to ride – Malva site kli
Malva and the horses – Malva take the things


Bath Bomber and Swimming Jump (translated into five different varieties: arli, kalé, kelderash, lovari and resanderomani):
Anjiboskobombi & Pliimibosko
Bombi najari mask & xutimos noti mask
Najimaske bombi & usimaskox utjipe
Nandopa & nandolatjopa
Nandzojbeskere bombe & plivibeskere rupiba

Camping and hiding (translated into five different varieties: arli, kalé, kelderash, lovari and resanderomania):
Camping & camping
Campingo & corardi
Camping & garage
Lodipa & garepa
O camping & kheliba phanle hunting

Dansbus og cake trouble ( translated into five different varieties: arli, kalé, kelderash, lovari and resendromani):
Kellepa & marklijiddrepa
Khelibaskoro akosiba & gudlebokolengoro pharipa
Khelimasa & bajo biskotengo
Khelimaskonasulipe & kalakoskobajo
Tselibako busos & tortakoblaniba.


Take power - because it works! – Контролируй это ! Your guide to positive thinking (Control it! Your guide to positive thinking) (Mann, Ivanov and Ferber)


Give Your Child 100 Opportunities Instead of 2


Mix drive – Mix conduce (Gato Sueco)
Tesla's mother does not want - La mamá de Tesla no quiere (Gato Sueco)
Tesla's father does not want - El papá de Tesla no quiere (Gato Sueco)
The pirates and the rainbow treasure - Las Piratas y el tesoro del arcoíris (Gato Sueco)
Why is the father crying? - ¿Por qué llora el papá? (Gato Sueco)
Give your child 100 possibilities instead of 2 - 100 Posibilidades en lugar de 2 (Gato Sueco)


Here comes InfinnarJohanna! (the Swedish Embassy)


Why is the father crying? - Warum weint der papa? (Benson Publishing)
Kivi und Monsterdog (Benson Publishing)
Tesla's father does not want! - Tesla's father will nicht! (Benson Publishing)


Take power - because it works! (Vivat Publishing)