Consent = vital knowledge to put on the wall!
How do we know what someone wants and what should we do if we are unsure? Alvdis and Hamsa from the Känslodeckar series will guide you!
Finally, we have a new positive norm: the consent norm! Of course we must teach all children what consent is. The poster is perfect for the children's room, at the preschool and in the school's work with the younger ages. For the older students and teenagers at home, we of course also have a consent poster for older children.

The poster is printed on EU-blomman marked paper at a Nordic Svanen-labelled printing house - good for our climate and for our children! Here you can read more about our climate work!
Serie: Känslodeckare
Storlek: A2 (59x42 cm)
Papper: Svanenmärkt, 170 gram
Tryckeri: Svanenmärkta Dardedze Holografija i Riga, Lettland