SKRÄPHJÄLTARNA - en specialskriven bok i samarbete med Rinkeby-Kista, Stockholms stad

SKRÄPHJÄLTARNA - a specially written book in collaboration with Rinkeby-Kista, City of Stockholm

SKRÄPHJÄLTARNA - a specially written book in collaboration with Rinkeby-Kista, City of Stockholm

Before the launch of the book Skräphältarna, Laura Sanchez, project manager and sustainability strategist at Rinkeby-Kista district administration, talks about how the idea for the book came about. She highlights the power of using different skills for a successful result and also gives her best tips to those who have an idea and want to make a specially written book to reach out.

How did you get the idea for the Garbage Heroes?

In 2020 I was given responsibility for environmental and climate issues at Rinkeby-Kista district administration. I started thinking about how we could work with the environment in an inspiring way.

First, I contacted the park engineers who work with outdoor environments, biological diversity and green areas in Rinkeby-Kista. They told us that littering is a big problem as litter damages nature and increases the risk of pests, but also gives a feeling of insecurity, that the area is not taken care of. So littering is about both the environment and safety.

We started a collaboration where we worked in parallel on two tracks: improvement of the infrastructure and behavioral changes - as these two factors go hand in hand.

I have previously worked in Skärholmen, also a vulnerable area that has worked a lot with littering. So I started looking at what they had done and was inspired by the idea of ​​making a book that would create recognition for those who live in the neighborhood.

So I pitched a book idea to my work group. Together we saw a bright and dreamlike book instead of a dark and gloomy image of the district. Rinkeby already has so many negative associations and the image in the media is often dark. We wanted to turn that around and show the potential in the area - show that the children themselves can be involved and contribute to a pleasant environment.

Why did you choose to collaborate with OLIKA?

We got hooked on OLIKA because we wanted to show the diversity in the district, highlight the richness in variations and work against the stereotypes that are often found about residents of vulnerable areas. It was also important to us not to have any styluses. OLIKA lived up to all the requirements and expectations we had, so therefore the choice fell on OLIKA.

What has been most challenging about the project?

The hardest part was agreeing on the idea, requirements and expectations. To formulate what message we wanted to convey. It was also the first time that our district administration would publish a book, so there were many questions about how it is done.

A success factor has been collaboration. To collaborate across departmental boundaries and bring together a culture secretary, park engineer, sustainability strategist, communicator and of course a representative from the preschool. Together, we were able to approach the challenge from different angles.

How do you hope the book will be used?

We hope that the preschool will continue to work with the educational initiatives:
the book tutorial designed to go with the book and the trash hero mask that encourages kids to be trash-picking heroes.

We have presented the book to all preschool principals in Järva and hope that the book will
be used in connection with the litter picking days that take place twice a year. There are also thoughts that the district administration should order new recycling bins with pictures of the various trash heroes!

These various efforts combine infrastructure and behavioral changes!

Do you have any advice for others who have a book idea?


Start by identifying the challenge: is it litter? Is the biological
diversity threatened? Problems with emissions? Or something else.

Dare to extend a hand to those who can add competence. Even if their knowledge seems to be far from yours - dare to take up the discussions.

Collaborate with OLIKA. It is so important that children get more opportunities, show diversity and work with discrimination grounds from an early age.

What has been the most fun about the project?

It has been a very creative project. We have been given the opportunity to think freely, formulate messages, work with children who have contributed valuable ideas. And finally to get a physical result that we can deliver to the children. It has been the most fun project of my entire working life!

Thank you Laura for a fantastic collaboration 💜

Here you will find the book Skräphältarna 💚


  • Vilken underbar bok! Min 3åring älskar den och sa här om dagen ”mamma, jag vill åka till Husby.”❤️ Det tänker jag att vi ska göra nästa gång vi drar till Stockholm:) Tack!

    Erica on

  • Laura !
    Tack för din insatts
    Det mäniskor som Dig
    Som gör världen en tjänst att vara bätre

    Ruben Sanchez on

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