Author - Jesper Lundqvist

Författare - Jesper Lundqvist

Who is Jesper Lundqvist ?

Jesper Lundqvist has written many well-known and appreciated books. Kivi och Monsterhund (2012) was Sweden's first children's book with hen as a pronoun! The series also includes Kivi and the crying goraff and Kivi and the dragon brawler.

Jesper has also written the books Alla dör, Familjejakten and Vi letar skatt. In 2017, he debuted as a chapter book author with the series Spökskolan.

Illustration: Kivi hukar sig i rädsla. Bakom står det ett stort BRAK!

Jesper about Kivi

"I like limitlessness. Kivi is the open, limitless child who doesn't get hung up on things that don't matter in the slightest: if he's a boy or a girl, if he's dreaming or awake or if he's a real dog or a monster standing in the hall. Sure, it can have a function to define things sometimes, but more often than not it leads to generalizations and other unnecessary things."

Jesper about We are looking for treasure

"There are people sitting on the sidewalks begging. They need help. They need money for themselves and their families. They need houses to sleep in. But they also need someone to see them. To say, 'Hey. You're like me. I In your situation, I would have done exactly the same thing as you. And I would have wanted someone to say hello to me." It's sad that people have to beg. But they exist. Here. That's why they should also be in our children's books."

Jesper about Familjejakten

"The Family Hunt is about a charming space filar who becomes curious about families. It was fun to write and think about what it would be like if a space filar came to visit us on Earth. How would he perceive us earthlings? Sometimes it's good to try to see ourselves myself a little from the outside."