News 2023
Se hela utgivningen och titellistan här!Upcoming titles in 2023
Prisade Adnans hemlighet på flera språk, i samarbete med Röda korsetUtgivning 2023 - tretton böcker för en inkluderande värld
Antirasism, fotbollsstjärnor, farmors hattar, nordsamiska och arabiska2022 års utgivning, 12 böcker som gör jämlikhet
Har du missat någon bok från 2022 års utgivning?Böcker & pyssel för besökare
What is DIFFERENT about the book?❤️
All the books we publish must form an inclusive society. Therefore, a good story is not enough, a little more is needed. On all books, we list three things that make the book an OLIKA book. We also have filters that make it easier to find what you are looking for. Themes, function, skin color, family forms and much more.
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Fun storytimes for everyone's equal value
Lady Busty and Miss Shameless love to invite you into their colorful world full of love, friendship and joy! Now you can take part in the storytimes digitally. Seven storytimes for different ages.