Not Buying it – A Guide to a New Era of Advertising is an independent sequel to the successful book Mad Women !
“ I believe we are done with the diagnosis; defining and stating the problem of the advertising industry, we know it more than well and we are not buying it. It is time for tangible tools and strategies so that we can solve the problem and not just talk about it. And that is precisely the raison d'être of this book: to offer specific help on anything from negotiating for equal pay and tackling power play and inequality in your everyday life to recruiting and promoting diverse talent. My absolute belief is that it is possible and necessary to create a more equal, diverse and relevant advertising industry, beneficial to all. It's high time. Let's make it happen. ” – Christina Knight
Through her 28-year career in advertising, Christina Knight has often had to fight to have her creativity appreciated and produce advertising that is relevant for women. In this personal talk, Christina wonders where all the "Mad Women" are and explains the need for better gender balance within the industry in order to create higher-quality advertising.
What is OLIKA? ❤️
- A book for an increased equality in the advertising industry
- Practical guide with solid advice
- Written by Sweden's foremost creative director

The book is Svanen-labelled - good for our climate and for our children! Here you can read more about our climate work.
Age approx:
ISBN: 9789188613158
Format: Hard cover, hardcover book
Size: 21.0 x 15.0 cm
Number of pages: 197
Weight: 430 g
Paper: Nordic Ecolabelled Arctic Volume from Arctic, produced at Grycksbo papperbruk in Dalarna, Sweden
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