Lecture: Take control - because it works!

Illustration. En alien tittar på en reklambild av en annan alien tänker "Om jag bara hade såna taggar".

Teach young people to understand and put feelings into words

• What is self-compassion?
• How do worry, anxiety and fear work?
• Why is self-compassion important?

Mental illness is something that is increasing among young people and adults, and many agree that we need to train young people to put their feelings into words, and to learn that feelings are not dangerous. More and more people feel stress, stomach ache and have difficulty sleeping. The lecture provides knowledge about the body, the brain and why self-compassion is so important. Practical strategies that we need to give to young people and ourselves in order to take control of our lives and feel good.

The lecture is aimed at students at junior high and high school as well as at teachers, school counselors, parents and other adults who work with young people.

Book training

Strategies to feel good!

The lecture gives many tips and methods inspired by ACT (Acceptance and Commitment) that work, for example;

• Think of yourself as a friend
• Look for nice mirrors
• Understand what happens in the brain when we get scared
• Get a handle on how the vapor curve works

All so that we can prevent mental illness and flourish as the fantastic and unique individuals we actually are.

Porträtt av Leone Milton

Lecturer Leone Milton

The lecture is based on the book Ta Makten and is given by author and journalist Leone Milton. She often lectures to students at schools and meets teachers and parents around Sweden. Leone intersperses theory with her own personal story and journey. She offers exercises that help young people build a strong self-esteem and see all the structures in society that hold them back. Engaged and interesting!

Said about the education: Take power

This is what all teenagers should learn! Please mirrors instead of judgmental mirrors, I'll take that with me. Thanks for a good education!

- Anna teacher high school

So important with self-compassion, not just confidence and self-esteem. I wish I had learned this earlier in life. Taking power really gives good life skills.

- Camilla curator