Flip the ball, Linnéa!

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Type: Kapitelbok
Författare: Anja Street
Illustratör: Johanna Arpiainen

Flip the ball, Linnéa! is inspired by national team star Linnéa Larsson's childhood.

Finally, it'sbandy season! Linnéa and Julia prepare for the big ExTe cup and train on the sports field every evening, even when it's pitch black outside. Late one evening on their way home, they see something moving inside of the deserted house. What was that? How will they dare to walk past there every night now that the bandy season has started?

A chapter book about the love for ice and bandy! But also about anxiety when something happens that you don't dare tell an adult about.

What is OLIKA? ❤️

  • A friend with they/them pronouns
  • A sporty and competitive girl
  • Dealing with guilt and having the courage to talk about it


The book is Svanen-labelled - good for our climate and for our children! Here you can read more about our climate work.

Age approx: 6-9 years
ISBN: 9789188613479
Format: Hard cover, hardcover book
Size: 15.5 x 21.5 cm
Number of pages: 91
Weight: 310 g
Paper: Nordic Ecolabelled Arctic Volume from Arctic, produced at Grycksbo papperbruk in Dalarna, Sweden
Printer: Nordic Ecolabelled printing house Dardedze Holografija in Riga, Latvia
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Staffan Engstrand
Väl berättat om rädslor, träning och lek

Berättelsen tar främst fasta på glädjemomenten i och kring bandyn, och hur den får hela Ljusdal att leva upp. Här är det klubbkänslan som är viktig. Ett olyckligt slumpskott mot kansliets fönsterruta blir dock ett orosmoment för Linnéa att reda ut med Ali. Väl berättat om rädsla för mörker, spökhus, kamratskap, träning och lek.