Book guide: Bath bombs and diving

Do you dare to jump from the trampoline and put your head under the water?
A book about not daring to admit what you really want. About how good it can be with friends who cheer, cheer and support!

Questions of will and courage
In the book, Mertsi wants to jump from the trampoline, but at first does not dare. Do you remember something you wanted to do, but didn't dare? What happened then?
Mertsi gets dizzy when he goes to ride the slide. Then Dominic suggests that they go together. Can you think of more things that are less scary if there are more of you?
Mertsi doesn't like high heights, but in the end he jumps anyway and it goes well. How do you think he feels afterwards? Have you done something you didn't dare at first?
In the book, Mertsi is helped by several people. Aunt Tanja teaches him to swim and Dominic dares him to ride the slide. Have you received help from anyone? What happened then? Have you helped anyone with anything? How did it feel?

Questions about bathing and rules
When Mertsi learned to swim, he did it outdoors with his aunt Tanja. Have you ever bathed outdoors? How was it? What is the most fun about swimming outside?
Mertsi and his friends run around in the bath house even though they know that one is not allowed. Why do you think they do that? Why do you think one is not allowed to run in a bathhouse?
Not running in the bathhouse is a rule. Do you tend to break rules? Are there rules that are extra stupid to break? Are there rules you don't like at preschool? Do you have rules at home that you think are stupid or good?

In this book, children get to play and challenge their limits. It also shows a boy who finds a game scary and struggles with his fears. In play we practice feelings, relationships, characteristics and roles. The game also allows us to develop the body's qualities, such as balance, muscles and courage. However, a quick analysis in the toy store not only points to the fact that children are expected to play with different toys depending on their gender. The games are also meant to practice different kinds of skills such as relationships or imagination, proximity or distance, movement or fine motor skills and so on. A good strategy can be to help children try many different kinds of games, so that children have more opportunities to practice and develop skills and interests. Then all children can then develop according to their individual interests and case units.

About courage
It is important that children can challenge themselves and feel brave. Through suitable challenges, the student develops his independence and confidence in his own abilities. Afterwards, it feels good and self-confidence grows. But no one can be brave all the time. Therefore, it is equally important that every child is allowed to show themselves vulnerable. We often have different expectations of how children should face challenges depending on the child's gender. This leads to boys being encouraged to a greater extent to test boundaries, but not to cry when they fail. All children need to be allowed to cry and support in putting their feelings into words. At the same time, children who do not follow rules or often challenge them need help in understanding what a rule is and why they are important. Give positive feedback and attention when the rules are followed. While children who are very careful about following rules that rules are not always absolute. Some children need to understand that there is room to stretch instructions, rules and boundaries sometimes and that this can be positive. By talking about rules, you are also given the opportunity to make the children involved in which rules should be in place at school, and can evaluate for yourself whether certain rules are unjustified.