Book guide: Well decided!

Who gets to decide in the game?

And what happens when adults join in and play? In Definitely, we get to meet Miriam, mother and mother's boyfriend Pierre.

Questions to decide

Mirjam decides both how they should go and what they should eat in the book. Are there things you would like to decide more about? Home? At kindergarten? With Friends? In the place where you live?

Mirjam's mother and Pierre think it's okay for Mirjam to decide. How do you feel when others rule over you? When is it okay? When does it not feel so good?

Mirjam decides not to be afraid of the dog anymore. Then she dares to pat it! How do you think she went about deciding her own feelings? What would you like to decide that you dared?

Family norms

Family is our first belonging. Having it positively and naturally reflected is therefore extremely important for our self-esteem and self-image. Allowing all family forms to be represented on the bookshelf at preschool is a way of equating the family forms that we have around us in society today in an obvious way. In this book, the very common family form "reformed family" is depicted, and it is depicted in an obvious way. There is a tendency in books and other culture to focus on difficulties with bringing a new adult into the family, when for many it is a positive experience.

Questions about being mad and being an animal

When Pierre reads the newspaper, Mirjam gets mad. How does it feel to be sad? Have you ever been mad? What do you want others to do when you are angry?

Mirjam wants to be a grasshopper because they can jump high. Then she wants to be an elephant, horse and lizard. Which animal would you like to be right now?

Exercise! Try being different animals together where you get to use your body and voice in different ways. Try being a slow animal, a fast one, a small one, a big one, a light one, a heavy one, a flying one, a crawling one and so on. Try doing the exercise both with and without sound.

The preschool curriculum

"Preschool should stimulate the children's creativity, curiosity and self-esteem. The children should have the opportunity to marvel and develop their ability to explore, communicate and reflect.” Lpfö 2018