Book Guide: You're a Star, Amy!

Yes, says Amy, we're starting a band!
Amy's friend Jossan plays in a band and Amy wants to do that too. But it's father's week and he doesn't know anything about music. And mom is off to work. Now how is Amy going to finish the song?

Questions about the book
1. Amy has an older sister, Jossan, who she looks up to and likes a lot. Do you have a role model? Who or who are they? Why is the person(s) your role model?
2. Amy used to take two stuffed animals with her when she moved house. Do you have a stuffed animal or something else that you always want to have in your bag?
3. Amy calls mom, but no one answers. She feels a little disappointed. When do you get disappointed? Are there times when you get extra disappointed in someone?
4. They write a song and Amy feels proud and wants to show it off. Have you ever been proud of something you did? What was that?
5. Jossan is on stage and doesn't seem scared at all. Do you enjoy being on stage? Have you done it and what did you do?

6. Together they write a song! Which song is your favorite song? Why is it your favorite song?
7. Amy writes in rhyme, do you like rhyming? Do you have rhymes
with rhymes that you usually sing? Amy's dad rhymes shudder with
freeze, what rhymes do you know?
8. Amy's mother can play the guitar and Jossan plays the drums. Can you play an instrument, or have you ever tried to play an instrument?
The song is written down at the end of the book. Try singing or playing the song with your friends!

About anger
Being angry is an emotion that, just like any other emotion, is important to feel. There is a tendency to try to deflect anger because it is perceived as frightening. But anger that can be expressed in a way that does not affect others is rather good to be able to feel clearly. Anger is also an important signal for us that something feels wrong. But sometimes anger is aroused when it is actually other emotions we need to feel - such as fear or sadness. Exploring emotions is therefore important for everyone so that the right emotions can emerge and so that our signaling system sends the right signals and helps us feel good. There is a tendency to think that anger is an emotion that is more okay for boys and men to express, than for girls and women, while the opposite is true for the emotion sadness.

About living in several places
Families look different. In Sweden, there are 1.2 million families with children under the age of 18. About thirty percent of all children live in family forms other than the nuclear family. Nevertheless, many people continue to assume that all children have a mother and a father and that they live together, a so-called nuclear family norm. Almost three out of ten children who do not live with two parents alternately live half the time with their mother and father. (SCB)
Changes obviously affect everyone involved and for many children and adults a separation is positive - for example when new adults and children enter their lives.
Change by not assuming that all children live in one place with a mother and a father. Instead, you can ask open questions such as; How many places do you live in? How many parents do you have? That way you make room for all different families.