Book Guide: Over the Obstacle, Goliath!

Oh no, what a rowdy pony!

Ghassan is not at all happy about having to ride Goliath in the show jumping competition. Namely, it is the rowdiest pony in the stable. And all Ghassan wants is to make the diving team. How will he be able to do that when Goliath refuses to give in? And is there anyone who can help him?

Questions about the book

1. Ghassan gets bad news: he gets the rowdiest pony in the stable for the jumping competition. Have you ever felt unlucky? What happened then?

2. Ghassan bends down and pretends to tie his shoes, but really he is wiping his tears. What can be good and important about crying? Why do you think Ghassan doesn't want anyone to see him cry?

3. Matilda is teased with Ghassan. Has anyone ever teased you? How did it feel? What did you do? Could there be times when it's okay to tease, or not?

4. Ghassan would like to join the jumping team. Do you have a goal, something you would like to do or achieve? What can be good about having goals? Is there anything that could be bad?

5. Jump, cuddle, rummage, walk, trot or gallop. What do you think is fun about being with horses?

6. Ghassan has three role models: Malin Baryard, Rolf-Göran Bengtsson, Meredith Michael-Beerbaum. Do you have any role models? Who? Why are they your role models?

7. Another role model that Ghassan has is his own great grandfather. He lives in Morocco. Do you have a relative who lives in another country? What's fun about having relatives in different countries?

8. When Ghassan was in Morocco, he and his family swam in the sea and grilled tomatoes and lemons on the beach. Is there anything that you think is extra good to eat? Is there a dish that someone does particularly well, do you think?

About feelings

In different times and in different social classes, emotions have been expressed in different ways. For example, it was considered very manly for a nobleman in the north during the 18th century to cry. In the 17th century among farmers, it was considered manly to be safe and caring towards one's family. This means that the values ​​that are linked to different behaviors and feelings are something that we humans shape. Having the right to feel and express all one's feelings is an important part of being human.

Equestrian sports

According to the Swedish Agricultural Agency, there were 360,000 horses in Sweden in 2010 and 77,800 facilities for keeping horses. In 2015, there were half a million people involved in equestrian sports.

To succeed in equestrian sports it is not only the horse that must be in good condition. Riders who train regularly feel better, have more stamina, gain better balance and power.

Within equestrian sports there are ten different disciplines which all require different skills: distance, dressage, eventing, jumping, driving, mounted games, parasport, reining, vaulting, working equitation

The school curriculum

Students must learn to initiate, organize and participate in games of various kinds. Sports and other physical activities indoors and outdoors during different seasons and in different weather. Staying outside during different seasons, as well as the local environment's opportunities to stay in nature and in other places for physical activity and nature experiences." Lgr rev. 2019