Book guide: Nice break, Behrang!


1. When Behrang says that Emi and Leon are totally into Pingu, the little siblings want to go into the TV box and meet Pingu for real. Is there something you would like to do that others say can't be done? How does it feel? And what do you do then?

2. As Amir stands with the soda can on his head, Behrang sees the tears rise in his eyes. Then Behrang leaves. Have you ever walked away from a difficult situation? How did it feel? Has anyone else ever walked away from you in a difficult situation? What happened then?

3. During the trip to Malmö, dad notices that something is weighing on Behrang and asks how
he feels. What do you do if you notice someone is low?

4. When the children fight on the train, Emi and Leon think that Behrang should speak up. Do you think it is important to speak up if someone is rude? Have you ever told someone off? How did it feel? Have you ever seen someone else speak up? What happened then?

5. When Behrang and Amir are watched
the little siblings' training Behrang says sorry to Amir for what happened on the farm. Have you ever said sorry to someone? How did it feel? Has anyone ever said sorry to you? What happened then?

1. During training, Behrang gets a chance to score but chooses to pass Signe instead. Why do you think that
he does that? Do you ever do things because you can't be bothered?
2. Behrang and the rest of the team are seriously impressed by Signe's shot. What impresses you? Is there
Something you do that impresses?
3. When Behrang plays soccer with his friends, he fantasizes about being in the World Cup. What are you imagining?
if? Have you ever had a fantasy
that came true? What happened then?
4. Leon doesn't understand why Behrang wants to
eat different things for breakfast every day. What
do you like to eat for breakfast? Do you like
to eat the same thing every day or do you want
mix? Do you know someone who wants to do
different than you?
5. Emi and Leon are Behrang's big ones
idols. Do you have an idol? How do you think?
you that an idol should be?


Sports books often feature boys in the lead role. These are usually shaped based on prevailing masculinity norms where stories about feelings and relationship building are rarely in focus. By reproducing these, boys' room for action and opportunity for reflection is limited. In Nice break, Behrang! instead we get to meet a warm and caring guy in the main role and we see Behrang, the coach Murat and Behrang's father in caring roles where they take great responsibility for others.


The best way to prevent violence and abuse is to practice becoming an active bystander. That is to say, get someone standing next to you to act and speak up. In the past, the focus has been on the person who is exposed to speak up. When we are vulnerable, we are often not very capable of action, so it is better to encourage everyone to become helpers. Practice with the three-step method. Do role plays where one is the victim, one is the perpetrator and the third is the helper who speaks up.