Book guide: Mission: Sea animal

Sea animals, trolls and giant pike!

Do you see an island out at sea that shouldn't be there? That can be dangerous…unless you've read this book, of course. Here you will find the tricks that can save you!

Questions about the book

1.Lina gets adventure knocks on her arms. Is there anything that gives you the thrill of adventure?

2. Lina squeezes her eyes shut to avoid seeing when things get scary. What do you think is scary? Is there anything that can be good about scary things?

3. When grandma is in danger, Lina feels the panic rise and her eyes water. What would you have done in this situation if you were Lina?

4. A good adventurer, says Peppar, has "tricks, courage and sharp brains." What does it mean to have a sharp mind?

5. Lina, Pepper and grandma are chased by tree trolls on their adventures, among other things. Have you ever been chased? Who was chasing you?

6. I have been adventuring for forty-nine years and been squeezed in many gaps, says Grandma. What do you think it would be like to work as an adventurer?

7. Lina's grandmother adds a rule for adventurers: An adventurer helps everyone in trouble. Why might rules be important?

8. There are five rules in the rulebook. For example, you shouldn't take risks on an empty stomach, and you should always have a flashlight in your pocket. If you were to add one rule for adventurers what would it be?

Which adventurers do you know?

Ester Blenda Nordström was an adventurer who lived from 1891 to 1948. She was a journalist and author and Sweden's first investigative reporter. She signed under the signature Bansai and has, among other things, inspired Astrid Lindgren for the Pippi Longstocking books. She was part of the farmers' march, saved thousands of starving people in Finland, fought for women's suffrage and climbed
mountains in Argentina and Chile, among others.

Eva Dickson's whole life was one big adventure. Eva challenged the men's society of the time regarding what women should, can and must do. She also inspired and pushed the boundaries of all of Europe by constantly undertaking new adventures. She is best known for her 40-day long car journey in 1932 from Nairobi
to Stockholm.

The curriculum for the school

"The teaching should give the students the opportunity to develop good peer relationships and feel belonging and security in the student group. The students should also be given the opportunity to develop and test their identity and their perceptions in meeting and interacting with others. The teaching should take advantage of differences and diversity and in this way give students the opportunity to deepen their understanding of different ways of thinking and being." Lgr rev. 2019