Storytime package

Dads Valencia are reading Miriam and the Magic Sweater! 🌈 Listen, talk and craft

This is included when you book story time through OLIKA:

1. Reading aloud: Johan and John read the book Miriam and the Magic Shirt and talk to children about rainbows, different families and friendship at preschool.

2. Crafts time together: Johan and John have materials that inspire crafts and play: illustrations from the book to color yourself, inspiration to draw and tell about your own family and the opportunity to bead your own rainbow bracelets.

3. Marketing materials: ready-made banner to be able to create an event on Facebook, pictures for Instagram, and ready-made A3 posters to print out and put up in the library to attract people to the story time.

4. Help to invite: Johan and John have a lot of followers that they are happy to invite and OLIKA promotes the event in social media.

5. We book and invoice to make it as easy as possible for you.

Price: SEK 8,500 ex VAT.
Possible costs for travel may be added.

Choose one or more Instagram photos - click on the image and save!

Banner for Facebook event - click on the image and save!

A3 posters to put up in the library - click on the picture and print!

Do you have questions? We are happy to help you!