Submit scripts or illustrations to OLIKA?

Unfortunately, we have a SCRIPT STOP in 2023.

We are so happy that so many people want to publish their texts and pictures with us! Unfortunately, the release is full for several years to come. Of course, you can still send in your creations to , it happens that we look in the script basket when there is something special we are looking for. But don't be disappointed if you don't get a reply, we simply don't have time to reply to everyone who submits. We hope the script freeze can be lifted in 2024! ⭐😍

How does OLIKA put together its release?

There are many things we think about, we want to offer news in all our age categories, and new titles in already popular series. In addition, we want to capture social issues. Since 2021, we also have a great focus on increasing diversity among our authors and illustrators. So there are many things that have to match for it to become a book in our publication.

Why doesn't OLIKA publish more books?

We work hard on each book, and therefore we don't have room for so many. For us, it is important that each book is just DIFFERENT, so that we feel that it has a place with us. We also work hard to market and sell the books so that they get out to their readers, that is important to us. We don't just want to create and sell books, but also contribute to equality and equality and that happens when the books are read. Therefore, we are quite satisfied with our 15 titles per year.