OLIKA's method
How does OLIKA's method work?
When we produce specially written books, we start by finding the right people for text and images. After that, the challenge often consists in finding a balance between fiction and reality. Our method is a mix of journalistic work and fiction writing. The essence is to meet those whose lives we will shape. Like when we produced children's books that would obviously and positively reflect Roma children, we started with workshops together with the children at a school. They had to draw and tell about funny things that had happened to them. Based on that we dramatized, some had really happened and some was made up.
Are OLIKA's Sports Stars series also specially written books?
That's right, we at OLIKA were behind the idea. We wanted to create books inspired by stars that could partly inspire children who play sports to read more and partly take the help of stars to drive the development towards an equal and equal society. Although there was no external client, the method was the same. We interviewed and met the stars and found the right writers and illustrators to bring their stories to life. Today there are as many as eleven books with different sports and stars, from Kosovare Asllani to Khaddi Sagnia.
How does financing work?
There are different ways in which we work, but often the company or organization buys a number of books that they continue to work with in their business. For example, the Bandy Association worked with the book in its associations and gave the book away to members. Linköping municipality purchased 3,000 books which were distributed to children as part of a larger integration project in the municipality.
Do specially written books on OLIKA come out like a regular book?
For us, it is important that it is an idea that we can stand behind, and that can also be done in a norm-creative way. When we know that this is the case, the book ends up in our publishing house and we work with it in the same way as any other children's book we publish. We don't skimp on dramaturgy or quality. In parallel with this, we work as a publisher to present it to libraries, preschools, schools and private individuals.
A fun and exciting way to work with children's literature and important issues. If you have an idea or a question, contact marie@olika.nu. Well met!