Consent & consent card

How do you know if someone wants to?

In 2018, Sweden received the Consent Act: a new sexual crime legislation based on voluntariness. This means that we have a new positive norm: the consent norm!

Consent is not just about sexual relations and
meetings, but is a culture that needs to be established in everyone
relationships. If we teach all children consent, they will not
have to write #metoo in the future.

Use the word consent

All children and adults need to learn the word consent and what it means. As an adult, you can change by starting to use the word consent. Talk to the children about how we know if someone wants to. Can we see it on the person?

Can we watch someone if they want to ride a bike?
Can we see in someone that they want to play chase?

The picture comes from the book Why is the mother angry? drawn by Bettina Johansson

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Practice together!

If we are unsure whether the person consents, what can we do? It's better to ask too much than to overstep others' boundaries.
Practice asking each other together. Also talk to all the children about how important it is to listen to both what the person says and what they show with their body language. Also talk about how it feels when someone agrees.

Do you want a hug?
Do you want to build with me?
Do you want to dance?

Print consent cards and put them on the wall!

To make it easy for you, we have created consent cards that you can print and post at the preschool or at home. Click on the pictures to get to the exercises.

Consent with Alvdis and Hamsa

Important knowledge to have on the wall

Consent poster with Alvdis and Hamsa from the Känslodeckar series.
How do we know someone wants and what should we do if we are unsure?

Perfect for the children's room and at the preschool.

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Consent and 3-step method

Two posters with two different strategies. The posters are part of the ALL RIGHT toolbox, which we have created in collaboration with the Swedish National Agency for Education. Perfect to hang up in the classroom and during leisure time.

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