OLIKA internationell press
Here you’ll find a selection of how OLIKA has featured in the media ever since 2007, when its first titles were published. Have you written about us, our books, lectures or campaigns? Please contact us at info(at)olika.nu and let us know!
Publishing Perspectives About OLIKAs active climate work as a small publisher (2024 07 11
Schwarzgelesen Review of Warum weint der Papa? (Varför gråter pappan?) (2020 11 01)
Biz Khan Interview with Marie Tomicic due to Pride in Stockholm. (2019 08 20)
Publishing Perspectives Interview with Marie Tomicic about our Fotball Star koncept. (19 10 23)
Beijing LGBT Center Interview with Marie Tomicic due to Pride in Stockholm. (19 10 08)
Philadelphia Gay News Interview with Marie Tomicic due to Pride in Stockholm. (19 08 15)
Koha Jone Interview by the albanian newspaper with OLIKA at Pride in Stockholm. (19 08 10)
TVNET Interview with Marie Tomicic at Women in Tech in Stockholm. (2019 03 25)
Pride online An italian webpage writes about Vi odlar smultron. (2019 03 22)
Delfi A newspaper from Letland visited Europride and talked to Kristina Henkel about OLIKA. (2018 08 13)
Reporter.al An albanian newspaper made a visit to Europride in Stockholm and talked to OLIKA. (2018 08 07)
The World in Words A podcast about the swedish word “hen”. Kivi och Monsterhund (2018 03 27)
Bangkok Post writes about equality in Swedem. 3 books from OLIKA are mentioned. (2017 11 06)
Juntarnji List mentions several of Olikas books in Croatia.
UN Women shares Times of Indias article about OLIKA on Twitter (2016 08 12)
Times of India writes about OLIKA after a meeting at Svenska Institutet (2016 08 08)
Ms Magazine writes about gender entrepreneur in Sweden, interview with Marie at OLIKA (2016 08)
Gatu Sueco has made a film from the release of Piraterna och regnbågsskatten in spanish (2016 02 22)
Leolibros, spanish internet bookstore, has Piraterna och regnbågsskatten on top of there toplist! (2016 02 08)
De mi casa al mundo, spanish blog, rewievs Piraterna och regnbågsskatten (2015 11 15)
A blog from Netherland Svenska smulor about the swedish pronoun “hen” and Kivi & Monsterhund (2015 11 10)
One of Brazils biggest net newspaper, UOL TAB, writes about Kivi & Monsterhund, the swedish pronoun “hen” and OLIKA (2015 11 09)
Brazilian Whaat’s new? about Kivi & Monsterhund, the swedish pronoun “hen” and OLIKA (2015 11 09)
Apego, Literatura y Materiales respetuosos, spanish blog, about Piraterna och regnbågsskatten (2015 10 02)
Arte, german-french media, about gender pedagogics, swedish pronoun “hen” and Kivi & Monsterhund – in german (2015 09 30)
Arte, german-frech media, about gender pedagogics, swedish pronoun “hen” and Kivi & Monsterhund – in french (2015 09 30)
Arte, german-french tv, discusses Kivi & Monsterhund – in french (2015 08 24)
Arte, german-french tv, discusses Kivi & Monsterhund – in german (2015 08 24)
Géopolis (french tv) about adding the swedish pronoun “hen” to SAOL and about Kivi & Monsterhund (2015 03 26)
The Independent about adding the swedish pronoun “hen” to SAOL and about Kivi & Monsterhund (2015 03 26)
French blog about phsychology writes about Kivi & Monsterhund (2015 03 08)
L’OBS, french newspaper, about european books for childern. Kivi & Monsterhund (2014 12 01)
Huffington Posts Queer View about OLIKA, interview with Karin Salmson about Kivi & Monsterhund and the swedish pronoun “hen” (2014 10 02)
Kay Cairns irish journalist writes about Kivi & Monsterhund (2014 04 30)
Bureau Biz, danish blog, interwie with Christina Knight, about Mad Women (2014 03 18)
Cuyler Otsuka (hawaiian student) blogs about Sweden och Kivi & Mosterhund (2014 01 14)
Elisabeth Steff (world leading scietist in polyamory, from Atlanta) writes about Kivi & Mosterhund (2012 10 11)
La Croix writes about OLIKA – in french. (2012 06 21)
The Christian Post writes about the swedish pronoun “hen” and the debate. (2012 04 18)
HighlanderTess reviews Kivi & Monsterhund. (2012 04 12)
HBL , a finnish newspaper, writes about Kivi & Monsterhund and the pronoun “hen” debate. (2012 03 31)
Libération writes about the swedish pronoun “hen” – in french. (2012 03 20)
Süddeutsche.de writes about Kivi – in german (2012 03 15)
Swedish Language Blog Writes about the swedish pronoun “hen”. (2012 02 15)
The Local writes about the swedish pronoun “hen”. (2012 02 08)
Hufvudstadsbladet A newspaper in Finland recommends Ge ditt barn 100 möjligheter i stället för 2. (2010 06 17)
Radio Folkhälsan i Finland Interview with Kristina Henkel in finnish radio, Ge ditt barn 100 möjligheter i stället för 2. (2010 03)
Radio Arena (Finland). Interview with Kristina Henkel about equality and childern. Ge ditt barn 100 möjligheter i stället för 2
BBC About Vilda and gender perspective in childrens books.
L´intelligence Consequente – journal du conservatisme critique Montreal Canada – writes about gender perspectives in children’s literature