Vad är skillnaden mellan normkritik och normkreativitet?

What is the difference between norm criticism and norm creativity?

What is the difference between norm criticism and norm creativity?

We at OLIKA love normative creativity, inclusionand equality. We want to give all children and young people a lot of room for action, so that they can be, feel and dream big. With the help of norm creativity, children can have more opportunities instead of being limited by stereotypical norms and narrow ideas and expectations.

Norm criticism vs norm creativity?

Critique of norms means making an analysis based on different norms and the grounds for discrimination; gender, ethnicity, sexuality, functional variation, gender identity and gender expression, age, religion and belief. You can find a checklist for norm-critical analysis here . A norm-critical perspective can be used to analyze different activities, preschools, schools, companies and organizations, to see how power is distributed and which perspectives are made invisible. Simply what we need to change to create equality!

If norm criticism is the analysis itself, norm creativity is the doing, that is, what and how we do to change. With a norm-creative approach, we can see all people's resources instead of letting ourselves be hindered by stereotypes.

What norms and values ​​guide you?

Often we are not aware of the norms that govern us. Our values ​​influence how we treat people in everyday life. We do and reproduce our behaviors without thinking about it. If you are part of a norm, you may not think much about it, because it includes and is beneficial to you. It is only when you stand outside a norm that it becomes clear that you are not part of that particular norm.
A first step is to look at ourselves and become aware of our own beliefs. What are our expectations of others? How do we talk and act in different situations? And not least, how do we treat other people, big and small? In order to create change, it is necessary to become aware, make active choices and to constantly practice. Start by thinking about how well you understand the grounds for discrimination and how you relate to them in everyday life. How much knowledge and experience do you have of the various grounds for discrimination? And in which of these areas are you close to the norm and which are you farther from the norm?
  •   Ethnicity
  •   Functional variations
  •   Sex
  •   Gender identity and expression
  • Age _
  • R eligion and belief
  • S exuality
Remember! Learning norm creativity is like learning a new language. You must practice!



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